The Christian Counseling Department employs a method of biblical counseling and guidance utilizing spiritual/biblical principles. In this kind of discipleship process, the Holy Spirit, not the counselor, is the agent of individual change. Our goal is to present God’s plan for victory in the midst of one’s circumstances. At CLEP Christian Counseling Center, we utilize the Arno Profile System. The key to your authentic future begins with true self-knowledge. Your Personal Temperament Profile is created using the famous Arno Profile System. With accuracy rates exceeding 90% this fascinating profile has helped hundreds of thousands of people. This comprehensive report is created specifically to present the information in an encouraging and non-threatening manner. It is necessary to have an APS temperament score in order to determine the temperament. The score is obtained through the A.P.S. Temperament Response form – a 10-minute, 54 questions test.

Clients receive a detailed Personal Temperament Profile, a report identifying their temperament in Inclusion, Control and Affection with a listing of individual strengths, weaknesses and temperament needs. Temperament theory states that people will live in their temperament strengths when their temperament needs are met. The report includes suggestions for clients and their loved ones on how to best meet these needs in a godly way.

Our Commitments to You in Christian Counseling:

Christian counselors are spiritual friends who commit to the historic roles of soul care and spiritual direction through:

  • Sustaining: Empathizing with your suffering, helping you to understand that “It’s normal to hurt.”

  • Healing: Encouraging you to see life from a biblical perspective, helping you to know that “It’s possible to hope.”

  • Reconciling: Examining and exposing your current responses to life and suggesting new ways of handling problems,helping you to see that “It’s horrible to sin, but wonderful to be forgiven.”

  • Guiding: Exploring how and empowering you to mature through Christ, helping you to grasp that “It’s supernatural to mature.” Because we care about you, our desire is for you to be drawn closer to Christ and to become more like Christ, which we see as your inner life increasingly reflecting the inner life of Christ:

  • Relational Maturity: Loving God wholeheartedly and loving others sacrificially.

  • Rational Maturity: Wisely living according to the truth of Christ’s Gospel of grace.

  • Volitional Maturity: Courageously choosing to pursue God’s purposes in your life through the Spirit’s power.

  • Emotional Maturity: Deeply and honestly experiencing life with integrity, fully open to God while managing your moods for God’s glory and with a ministry focus.